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         Glass half-empty                                                                                      PHOTO: SABECO

                                                                                  Revenue in the beer market stands at $1.523
                                                                                  billion in 2023. The market is expected to grow
         With consumption down and costs rising, brewers in Vietnam are           at a CAGR of 3.03 per cent annually in 2023-
         improving their operations in anticipation of an eventual recovery.      2028.
                                                                                  Most global beer revenue is generated in the
                                                                                  US ($74.73 billion in 2023).
         | By GIANG HOANG                                                         Per person revenue of $15.41 was generated in
                                                                                  Vietnam in 2023.
                                                                                  Volumes are expected to amount to 1.351 billion
               rior to 2019, Vietnam regularly topped   the first time the company has reported a   liters by 2028. The beer market is expected to
               the charts in beer consumption in   loss since the first quarter of 2020, when   post falling volumes in 2024, by 3 per cent.
         P Southeast Asia and even secured   talk of pandemic first emerged. In the   The average volume per person is expected to
         ninth place globally at one time. Recent   same period last year, the company posted   amount to 13.02 liters in 2023.
         statements from major brewers, however,   a profit of VND34.5 billion ($1.4 million).        Source: Statista
         acknowledge a significant decline in world-  Similarly, Sabeco also saw declining
         wide sales and particularly in Vietnam.   business results in the first quarter of this   demand and rising input costs.
                                            year. Revenue was VND6.213 trillion ($256   On July 31, meanwhile, Heineken
         CONTINUED DECLINE                  million), down 15 per cent compared to   revised its profit forecast for 2023 down-
           According to VIRAC Research’s overview   the same period of 2022. Revenue from   wards, citing Vietnam’s slow economic
         of the beer industry in early 2023, both   beer sales accounts for about 90 per cent,   growth, which resulted in lower-than-
         major beer players in Vietnam - the Hanoi   alongside 8 per cent from raw material   expected revenue in the first half of the
         Beer Alcohol Beverage Corporation   sales and a small percentage from other   year. It anticipates growth in operational
         (Habeco) and the Saigon Beer Alcohol   beverages, alcohol, and other sources. How-  profit after one-time payments this year
         Beverage Corporation (Sabeco) - experi-  ever, Sabeco is more stable than its coun-  to range from 0 per cent to 4-6 per cent.
         enced a substantial downturn in revenue   terpart Habeco, with gross profit margins   This marks a decline from its earlier pro-
         and profit in the first quarter of the year.   fluctuating around 30 per cent. The com-  jection of 5-10 per cent. In the first half of
           Ninety-eight per cent of Habeco’s total   pany continues to allocate significant funds   2023, Heineken experienced a 5.6 per cent
         revenue comes from the sale of goods,   to sales and business management expenses.   fall in beer sales compared to the previous
         with the remaining 2 per cent from service   At the end of the first quarter, net profit   year. Despite increased revenue due to
         provision. Despite the company’s efforts   was VND1.004 trillion ($41.4 million), a   price hikes, the company’s operational
         to cut various costs, such as business man-  decline of about 19 per cent. This was the   profit still fell 8.8 per cent compared to
         agement and sales costs, especially for   third consecutive quarter of falling profits   the same period last year. It attributes its
         advertising, promotions, and support, a   for Sabeco after peaking at VND1.793 tril-  business results in Asia, particularly in
         sharp increase in the price of input materials   lion ($73.9 million) in the second quarter   Vietnam, one of its major markets, to the
         has pushed up the cost of goods sold,   of last year. Sabeco attributes the lower   impact of slow economic growth.
         resulting in Habeco reporting an after-tax   profit to intensified competition among   VIRAC Research’s beer industry report
         loss of VND3.7 billion ($152,545). This is   beer brands, coupled with falling consumer   for early 2023 indicates that Decree No.

         30  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  DECEMBER 2023                                    
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