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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET DUNG

         Offsetting exposure

         Vietnam is looking to international experience and recommendations
         as it streamlines the development of a domestic carbon market.

         | By LINH GIANG

                 seminar was co-organized in Hanoi   require high green standards. Moreover,   credits globally since the mid-2000s, Mr.
               on November 23 by the Ministry   developing countries like Vietnam will   Nguyen Tuan Quang, Deputy Director
         A of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), the Min-  encounter a host of challenges without   General of the Department of Climate
         istry of Natural Resources and Environment   support from the international community   Change at MoNRE, told the seminar. This
         (MoNRE), and the Organization for Eco-  and development partners.     has taken place via the Clean Development
         nomic Cooperation and Development    “The development of a carbon market   Mechanism (CDM) since 2006, Gold Stan-
         (OECD) on developing Vietnam’s carbon   is not easy, with a long distance from   dard (GS) and Verified Carbon Standard
         market, with the theme “International   strategy to policy implementation, espe-  (VCS) since 2008, and the Joint Crediting
         Experience and Policy Implications for   cially for developing countries without   Mechanism (JCM) with Japan since 2013.
         Vietnam”. In the context of its green tran-  standardized green systems,” Deputy Min-  According to the Department, Vietnam
         sition, the development of a low-carbon   ister Vu emphasized. Furthermore, carbon   has 150 projects that have been granted
         economy towards a circular economy has   pricing will directly impact the competi-  40.2 million carbon credits in global carbon
         become an inexorable trend in the country,   tiveness and business models of many   markets. It stands as one of the top four
         making the establishment, operation, and   enterprises, requiring a fair and compre-  countries with the highest number of reg-
         development of a carbon market increas-  hensive transition process.   istered CDM projects, following China,
         ingly crucial. Given its significance, the   The development of the carbon market   Brazil, and India. In terms of credits
         workshop discussed international experi-  will pose a series of challenges for Vietnam,   obtained from CDM projects, it ranks
         ence and recommendations for Vietnam   he continued, notably the requirement to   ninth among 80 countries and territories.
         in developing its carbon market, including   enhance awareness among the public, busi-  Vietnam has also implemented several
         improving the policy framework, enhancing   nesses, and government. Other challenges   technical support projects to prepare for
         human resources, bolstering infrastructure,   include leveraging the carbon credits of   the establishment and development of the
         and promoting international cooperation.   potentially rich local forests, issues relating   domestic carbon market.
                                            to a consistent legal framework compatible
         MODERN CHALLENGES                  with international standards, and ensuring   INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE
           The development of a carbon market is   that policies support vulnerable groups in   According to Professor Jos Delbeke,
         not only an increasingly common trend in   the green transition. Additionally, Vietnam   Chair on Climate Policy and International
         many countries but also an essential require-  needs to urgently prepare a knowledgeable   Carbon Markets at the European Invest-
         ment for all, Deputy Minister of Foreign   workforce, infrastructure, and necessary   ment Bank (EIB), when looking into devel-
         Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu said in his opening   conditions for operating greenhouse gas   oping a carbon pricing system, the initial
         remarks at the seminar. If Vietnam does   emission trading platforms and carbon   challenge is acquiring high-quality data,
         not stay abreast of trends, it will not only   credit systems.        which not only needs to be of good quality
         fail to achieve its sustainable development   While the carbon market is still in its   but also instill confidence regarding its
         goals but will also face difficulties in access-  developmental stages, Vietnamese busi-  authenticity. Most countries, when initiating
         ing fastidious markets, which increasingly   nesses have actively exchanged carbon   a carbon pricing system, lack the excellent

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