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                     Regional front-runner

                                Certain steps are required for Vietnam to foster a hydrogen
                              energy market and be aligned with the global clean energy shift.
                                                      | By LINH TONG

               s of early 2023, more than 40 coun-  on Green Hydrogen in Vietnam held in   and requires cooperation across different
               tries and territories had issued   Hanoi recently as part of Vietnam Interna-  industries, but the payoff is significant eco-
         A national hydrogen strategies along   tional Innovation Expo 2023. “It holds prom-  nomic and social benefits.
         with significant financial support policies   ise for developing countries, including Viet-  Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing
         to shape and develop the hydrogen industry.   nam, enhancing the value of renewable   countries in the world but remains highly
         In Vietnam, the development of hydrogen   energy across various industries and in daily   dependent on fossil fuels, Mr. Chey noted.
         energy has been directed by the Politburo   life,” he said in his remarks. “The develop-  But it can also leverage decarbonization
         through Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW on   ment of green hydrogen is considered essen-  using its potential in different regions. “In
         the orientation of Vietnam’s National   tial in Vietnam’s energy transition.”   the south, where renewable energies are
         Energy Development Strategy by 2030 with                              plentiful, we can expand renewable energy
         a vision to 2045. This includes specific ini-  SHAPING THE FUTURE     generation and green hydrogen production,”
         tiatives to conduct technological research,   According to Mr. Chey Tae-won, Chair-  he said. “But in the north, as the demand
         implement experimental production proj-  man of the SK Group, hydrogen stands   for electricity grows within the industry,
         ects, and encourage the use of hydrogen   out as a powerful alternative in the world   we see the opportunity for expanding the
         energy in line with global trends.   of clean energy. It has the potential to   range of power generation and producing
           Green hydrogen has emerged as a promi-  directly reduce carbon emissions in power   blue hydrogen using available gas resources.
         nent solution in the pursuit of a “green   generation and transportation through the   This approach allows us to explore various
         future”, Minister of Planning and Investment   transition to clean fuel. The journey from   hydrogen production methods, tailoring
         Nguyen Chi Dung told the National Summit   production to utilization involves barriers   them to each residence, resource, and need.”

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